Monday, 26 September 2011


Men’s Grooming characters That Turn Ladies Off.

Ladies, you should just agree with me,some of

the terrible grooming habits of your guys have

become all the more glaring.

Ladies're not asking guys to do anything they

don't do themselves.. Some ladies were asked

by Facebook friends to share the grooming

issues that irk them the most, and the answers

were awfully familiar. One lady asked if they

could please paste the comments "on a huge

billboard that all men can see." Well, here's the

billboard equivalent!

See the top ten offenses below and add more

by posting on our comment wall.

1. Long, dirty toe nails. Or, as one Lady called

it, "Hobbit feet." I love that. It's true. Guys, you

don't have to sit for a pedicure, but there's no

excuse for claws filled with dirt.

2.Hair where it shouldn't be. Nose hair was the

number-one complaint with ear hair a close

second. "Why is it so hard to buy a clipper and a

mirror?" asked a completely reasonable Lady.

We don't have the answer.

3.Mouth madness. This is just basics. We're

brushing, flossing, and whitening, but certain

guys seem to think they can get away

with "yuck mouth," as a lady called it. Not true.

4. Unattractive smells. This can mean not

showering often enough or not embracing

deodorant. This is also related to #3 (see


5. Eyebrow issues. Either overgrown or over

plucked. Ladies don't want unruly, caveman

hairs, but they also don't want you to look

more sculpted than they do.

6. Too much cologne perfume. If everything

you touch starts to smell like your medicine

cabinet, that's not good.

7. Too much waxing. There's grooming and

then there's grooming. No one wants to feel

like they're with a newborn.

8. Dry, cracked heels. You can put lotion on

them, you know.

9. Hair that never moves. If your hair is as hard

as a car door, you've got to rethink your hair


10. Letting your blackheads live on. Everyone

has zits, especially in the hot season. But, jeez,

if you have blackheads on your face, deal with

them or book a facial where someone else will.

I will like to add this,

11. Romantic voice when not neccessary. Some

of us use soft voice when it is not needed.

When you are called a man,your voice should

be like that of mine and not like that of your

lady,if not? go get some Brandy

If you like this,you can share it on your wall

and let we guys read it and make some

adjustments so that ladies will like us and vice

Post your comments on what you feel have


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